Celebrating Eid at the Score Centre
Our second Eid celebration took part at Leyton’s Score Centre on May 11th. Our apprentices Muhammad and Aaron helped support the event, in conjunction with Morgan Sindall Property Services and Leyton Orient Trust.

Although it was pouring with rain, around 50 residents attended the celebration, which offered similar activities to the our first Eid event. Councillors Louise Mitchell and Paul Douglas came along to join in the fun, with Councillor Mitchell joining Rachel in getting a beautiful henna tattoo. All the children enjoyed the arts and crafts, and cake decorations, even the teenagers joined in!

Councillor Louise Mitchell getting a henna tattoo

Leyton Orient Trust provided a football coach and set up a table tennis which proved popular with everyone. We invited Social Value Manager, Arjun, from Urbaser along to speak to the residents about recycling and sustainability, and are looking forward to working together with the councillors to put on some eco/green friendly community projects.
“ It was great to see such a diverse community turn out, especially in light of the weather, and wonderful to hear how calming and relaxing the arts and crafts effects were, for the couple of residents who attended with mental health conditions.”