
Contributing to Retrofit Solutions Paper

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero has now published the Complex-to-Decarbonise (CTD) Homes research with UCL - Defining and identifying complex-to-decarbonise homes and retrofit solutions, available here:

Aston Group shared our insights with DG Cities who were conducting the research. We spoke about the considerations, challenges and experiences offering our own case study for this work. The report is a valuable piece of research to help others going forward. The publication includes the case studies as Annex C.

The research was richly informed by stakeholders from across the sector and examples like our case study, 47 Greenleaf Road, which demonstrate successful approaches and what works to decarbonise these homes.

This research outlines a new approach to define and identify Complex-to-Decarbonise homes, and how to approach them. We hope this report, and the insights, can help the sector to continue to innovate and collaborate, and deliver on the many opportunities available from achieving net zero.