
Celebrating our 60th in style

We were delighted to be able to bring together our clients, partners and managers to celebrate our 60th anniversary milestone

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It’s not every day you turn 60, so we thought it would be a great opportunity to bring together friends both old and new to celebrate the milestone together.

Aston Group strive to deliver quality and develop strong partnerships through our work and the event was testament to that. It was also the perfect opportunity to introduce Chris Masters our new Managing Director and celebrate Alan Thomas being newly appointed as the CEO of Aston Group.

The inspirational Polar Explorer, Alan Chambers MBE, was welcomed to stage as a special guest speaker. He recounted the story of his first expedition to the North Pole, the inhospitable environment and the daily challenges that faced him. He was captivating and inspirational, it made anything seem possible if you plan well enough!

He went on to tackle the North Pole another 16 times with different crews, so it certainly didn't put him off!

It was a fantastic afternoon that brought together many people who have been part of the first 60 years of Aston Group’s journey and mark the beginning of a new era with Chris as Managing Director and Alan as CEO, looking forward to driving the business into the next 60 years!

Here are some picture highlights from the day, thanks to all of those who attended.

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