Health and Safety Policy

Aston Group will follow guidelines and procedures to ensure that statutory duties are met at all times and facilitate continual improvement in terms of occupational safety and health.

Aston Group recognises that complying with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (and regulations made under it) is a legal requirement, not a matter of choice. The organisation operates an ISO 45001 2018 systems and will always strive to maintain the highest standard of this standard.

Our policy is to

  • Prevent accidents and work-related ill health, so far as is reasonably practicable.
  • Provide adequate resources to control health and safety risks arising from work activities.
  • Maintain safe and healthy premises, provide and maintain plant, machinery, and equipment, and ensure safe storage, handling, and use of substances.
  • Ensure systems are in place to properly assess risk, maintain, monitor and, where necessary, improve safety and health performance throughout all areas of our activities.
  • Implement emergency procedures in case of fire or another significant incident.
  • Ensure there is adequate first aid provision and report incidents required by law.
  • Provide sufficient information, instruction, and training to ensure employees are competent to carry out their work.
  • Ensure there is adequate supervision commensurate with risk and complexity of task.
  • Properly communicate and consult on health and safety matters at all levels of the business to include third party sources such as contractors.
  • Work closely with contractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders to ensure adequate levels of health and safety performance are achieved and maintained.
  • The Policy provides a framework for setting H&S objectives and a commitment to fulfil legal requirements and other requirements.
  • A commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce occupational H&S safety risks
  • A commitment for continual improvement and health and safety management system starting with the senior management team.


This policy, and the way it is operated, will be reviewed annually or more often if the business changes in nature and size or we believe it is no longer valid.

Any revisions made to improve safety performance will be effectively communicated to employees and all other interested parties.