
I'm Trenay an Electrical apprentice at Aston Group.
Trenay joined Aston Group in January 2021, after being referred to us by Waltham Forest College, whilst he was an electrical student there. Trenay was one of a handful of students who impressed us so highly that we created further apprenticeship positions, in order to take them all on.
Since he joined us on a four year Level 3 Electrical Installation apprenticeship. Trenay has continued to fulfil the promise we saw in him, and has successfully integrated himself as a highly regarded member of the electrical team.
Trenay is a prime example of the personal qualities that we look for within our apprentices, and has earned the respect of many senior colleagues for the courtesy, care and consideration that he displays, not just his own team and projects, but also the rest of the company, our clients, customers and community. Keen and eager to learn, he is full of enthusiasm and ideas of ways to get involved, give back, promote the industry and expand his knowledge and skills.
In his first year with us, Trenay had the idea to create an electrical board full of the practical elements that he was learning about on the job and at college, in order to better understand their functions. With his mentor, Ian’s help, he designed and created the board which he can also use to showcase his craft and day to day duties, at Insight Days, careers fairs and job centres for local students and residents.

Trenay designed an electrical board with the help of his mentor to help him and others learn from
“Ian and I (Trenay) decided that to have a better understanding of electrical work it is better to be able to see it on a more up close level for example when you’re terminating and dealing with lighting circuits you would be look up and working facing the ceiling, whereas when you have it on a board you can see why cables lead from here to there and have a much better understanding.
This is why we added all the circuits that take place in houses seeing how my department of electrical is domestic so we added things like, fans, smoke alarms, ring sockets, 2-way and intermediate switches, 2.5mm armoured cable into a wiska box seeing how armoured isn’t the easiest of things to deal with ,isolator switch etc. I feel as if this little project has made me understand domestic work a lot more and can’t wait to show off the little board.
Becoming an apprentice ambassador
Trenay happily agreed to take part in our recent YouTube partnership project with Mike Page from Residual Current. He featured prominently in the video being taught how to install an EV Charger at a colleague’s house, following the arrival of our first electric van. Trenay has also attended community fun day events, engaging with residents and promoting apprenticeships to young students.
Q&A with Trenay
How did you first become aware of Aston Group and the apprenticeship role?
I found out about Aston Group through a college teacher (Craig Buist) and I said I would be interested in getting into Aston Group as an apprentice as they’re my local housing association.
What was your reaction when you heard the news you had the interview with Aston Group?
I was ecstatic and over the moon because I couldn’t believe I potentially had a chance to get a job in a field of work I aspire to pursue for the rest of my life. My interview went well on Zoom, I was well spoken and delivered my answers meaningfully and politely, asking questions where I was unsure.
What was your reaction upon hearing you had the job?
I was in utter shock, I couldn’t believe that I had a successful interview and got the job so quickly in a field of work I love doing. I didn’t think I would get the job role as I had no on-site experience in electrical before and knew very little about electrical at the time compared to now.
How have you settled in?
My first day was good , I got to know my colleague mentor well (Ian Wiltshere), he also ran me through how Aston Group work and what to expect of the company and my colleagues.
I would definitely say I have settled in well as I do tend to get along with everyone on the team both domestic and on the commercial team everyone’s friendly. Colleagues have been amazing they help when asked and know how to put a smile on my face day in and day out.
As long as Aston Group are fine with it I would honestly be here long term if I had a choice. I don’t see what any other company would or could offer that Aston Group doesn’t.
What have you learnt so far?
Day-to-day, I do remedial work, such as changing lights, smoke alarms sockets etc. as well as installing them too where needed. I can’t pick out everything I have learned in the last year but I can definitely say I know way more than I did when I was in college as now I am actually on the tools working. Testing has always been a challenge for me to do but since I have started doing it more, I am starting to grasp it more.
One of my biggest successes was definitely being able to say that within my first couple of months being with Aston Group I did some solar panelling work as well as domestic work. This made me realise electrical installation is way more developed than just going in and out of people’s homes. But my biggest success overall will be being part of the EV charger installation that was completed at my colleague’s home.
What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of becoming an apprentice?
My advice for anyone who wanted to become an apprentice is remember every day is a learning day and to ask questions even if you’re repeating yourself.
It is important to ask questions because that’s what your mentor and colleagues are there to help you for.
Lastly, accept that it is okay to make mistakes, don’t let them hold you back. Being an apprentice means you aren’t fully qualified which means mistakes will happen, even fully qualified people make them.